Thursday, August 23, 2012

Some things are not a meant-to-be...

Just in case you don't know, I have a penchant for shopping. Finding something I like for a reduced price gives me at least double satisfaction. Everybody with money to spend has no excuse for looking bad. Those who can look good at a fraction of a price - those people are my best friends.

In the next few hours Shopbop is having extra 20% off their 50% and 70% reduced items. I browsed the 50% and 70% sale items and could not find anything that I'd like to purchase. So I am going to pass on this offer. This is huge because usually I manage to score the craziest deals this way. I always have items on my wish list - jeans, dresses, shoes, bags, books (yes, I am yet to purchase an e-reader). In the case of my Shopbop wishlist, they are all sold out before I could take advantage of the extra 20% discount. Oh well. I guess when it is not a meant to be, it is not a meant to be.

It is a nice problem to have - the problem of not knowing what to buy. My wardrobe currently is at a point whereby I have ticked everything - well, almost everything - that I'd like to wear. In case you are wondering, no, it is not streamlined. In fact, it is borderline of what most people call trendy. My response to that is this: I wear them. I think they suit my age and I can spend the rest of my life being classic and timeless. But right now, I'd like to be trendy while I still can.


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